Get Ready to Laugh and Share at Alameda Story Slam!

Alameda Comedy Club Get Ready to Laugh and Share at Alameda Story Slam  promotion flier on Digifli com

Hey Alameda, mark your calendars for a night filled with laughter, fun, and unforgettable stories! On June 13th, swing by the **Alameda Comedy Club** for the much-anticipated **Alameda Story Slam**. This event promises to be a night where you can share your hilarious, touching, and one-of-a-kind stories. Plus, enjoy some side-splitting performances from our featured storyteller Angie Krass.

For those of you who don’t know, a “Story Slam” is like a poetry slam, but with stories! The theme for this slam is **Just Winging It**, which means there are no scripts or rehearsals. It’s all about honest, spontaneous storytelling. Whether it’s a crazy travel tale, an awkward moment at work, or that time you had to improvise on the spot, bring it on! Stories are what connect us, and the more off-the-cuff, the better.

The talented Angie Krass will be headlining the evening. With her knack for captivating an audience and her quick wit, you can expect a rollercoaster of emotions and tons of laughs. Angie is no stranger to the comedy and storytelling scene—so you know you’re in for a treat. Settle in for her set, and then get ready to jump on stage yourself if you feel inspired!

The **Alameda Comedy Club**, located at 2431 Central Ave, Alameda, CA 94501, United States, is the perfect venue for this event. A cozy space with an inviting atmosphere, it’s the ideal spot to come together with friends and fellow community members for a night of storytelling magic. Doors open at 8:15 PM, so make sure to get there early for the best seats and to grab a drink from the bar.

If you love a good story, have a few chuckles, or simply enjoy a great community event, **Alameda Story Slam** is where you want to be. Spread the word, invite your friends and family, and let’s make this night one to remember. For more details, check out the Alameda Comedy Club’s website at Don’t forget to follow the hashtags below to stay updated!

Posted by Alameda Comedy Club

2431 Central Ave, Alameda, CA 94501, United States

#AlamedaStorySlam #JustWingingIt #AlamedaComedyClub #StorytellingNight #ComedyInAlameda #AlamedaEvents #ComedyGigs #AlamedaCAEvents

Extra Hashtags: #AlamedaStorySlamAlameda #JustWingingItAlameda #AlamedaComedyClubAlameda #StorytellingNightAlameda #ComedyInAlamedaAlameda #AlamedaEventsAlameda #ComedyGigsAlameda #AlamedaCAEventsAlameda

Alameda Comedy Club
2431 Central Ave, Alameda, CA 94501, United States
(510) 318-1538

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