Tune In to True Up at The Red Door Gallery!

A vibrant showcase about how we tap into our spiritual, physical, and creative being and become truer to our own personal values. During Venus retrograde, let’s make time to reassess and reestablish how we exercise our mind, body, and spirit to truly align ourselves energetically with our power. How do we express love, inwardly and outwardly? And how does this emotional balance level us up? Join the conversation Friday 8/11, 7-10pm at The Red Door Art Gallery & Museum in Alameda, CA.

Exhibiting the charged acrylic paintings of our accomplished community advocate of Love, Deirdre Freeman. Come discuss her vibrant expressions of compassion. Plus, showing the incredibly dynamic watercolor paintings of the published and well-known local artist, Damon Powell. Control and clarity is shown through his in-depth study of yoga poses. Come see the series and meet the artist!

TAGS: #art_gallery #museum the Red Door gallery Tune In to True Up at The Red Door Gallery  promotion flier on Digifli com

the Red Door gallery
2309-2313 Encinal Ave, Alameda, CA 94501, USA


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Tune In, Opening Reception Friday 8/11, 7-10pm Curators Note: True Up A vibrant showcase about how we tap in to our Tune into your truth spiritual, physical, & creative True up to your divinity being & become truer to our Featuring Local Artist: DEIRDRE FREEMAN own personal values. During Venus retrograde, lets make time reasses reestablish how excersize mind, body, & spirit to truly align ourselves Exhibiting the energetically with our power. How do we charged acrylic paintings of our accomplished community express love, inwardly & advocate of Love, Deirdre outwardly. & how does this Freeman. Come discuss with her emotional balance & her vibrant level us up? Join the expressions of compassion. conversation Fridsy 8/11, 7- Fridays The Red Door 10pm 8/11-9/8 2309 Encinal Ave Tune In, Opening Reception Fri8/11, 7-10pm The True Up Red Tune into your truth True up to your divinity Door Featuring Local Artist: DAMON POWELL ART ALLEY E GALLERY Showing the incredibly dynamic watercolor paintings of the published & well-known local artist, Damon Powell. Control & clarity is shown through his in depth study of yoga poses. Come see the series & meet the artist! Fridays The Red Door 8/11-9/8 2309 Encinal Ave 7-10pm Alameda, CA

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