The Red Door Art Reception this Friday Night!

This Friday 10/27, join the Red Door Gallery for an art reception from 7-11pm celebrating the “Hispanic HeArtist”. This event will feature talent and skill from the “Hispanic HeArt of the East Bay”. Appearing in person to showcase their works will be Lisa Bojorquez, Sabrina Vallejo, Christina Padilla and Jorge Iniguez. Come join all the fuin at 2309 Encinal in Alameda, CA – it’s free! Posted by the Red Door gallery.

Learn more about us here.

TAGS: #art_gallery #museum

the Red Door gallery The Red Door Art Reception this Friday Night  promotion flier on Digifli com

the Red Door gallery
2309-2313 Encinal Ave, Alameda, CA 94501, USA


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ART RECEPTION Friday 10/27 7-11pm The HISPANIC HEARTIST Style Talent & Skill from the Hispanic HeArt of the East Bay The Red Door Lisa Bojorquez Sabrina Vallejo Christina Padilla Jorge Iniguez COME JOIN THE FUIN 2309 Encinal, Alameda, CA FREE

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