Support Our Local Library in The Alameda Free Library’s Fall Fundraising Campaign!

The Friends of the Alameda Free Library have had an eventful year and they’re proud to offer a variety of free programs for the community. These programs include their Summer Reading Program, Family Film Night, and Zoo Day Programs like their Insect Discovery Lab, Python Ron, and NorCalBats. They also provide Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Book Clubs to suit everyone’s needs.

Make a generous donation today and help support this amazing library! Your gift will make these wonderful programs possible for many more years to come. Please donate to the Fall Appeal now.

#LibraryLove #AlamedaFreeLibrary #FallFundraiser  Support Our Local Library in The Alameda Free Library s Fall Fundraising Campaign  promotion flier on Digifli com

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Friends of the Alameda Free Library Fall Fundraising Campaign The Alameda Free Library has had a productive, eventful year. Here are just a few of the free programs your gifts make possible: Summer Reading Program Family Film Night Zoo Day programs: Insect Discovery Lab, Python Ron, NorCalBats Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Book Clubs Donate to the Fall Appeal now!

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