Realm of the Heart: An Art Exhibition by Kristian Johnson

Realm of the Heart: An Art Exhibition by Kristian Johnson

The Centered art of Kristian Johnson is like no other. It embodies a deep connection to the heart, both in its creation and in its effect on viewers. As the old saying goes, “the key to one’s heart” has been found with Kristian’s work. The heart gate is unlocked and wide open, allowing anyone who enters to be warmed by its radiant beauty.

Come experience this heart-centered art for yourself at the Heart Gate Watercolor exhibition from February 10th to 28th, 2023. The reception will be held from 3 to 5pm on Saturday, February 10th at Sagrada Sacred Arts, located at 4926 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland. Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in Kristian Johnson’s captivating artwork.

Sagrada Sacred Arts, known for its unique collections of books and jewelry, proudly presents this exhibition by Kristian Johnson. Join us in celebrating the beauty of #book_store, #jewelry_store, and now #store as well!

#heartgatewatercolor #kristianjohnsonart #sagradaproud #oaklandarts

Sagrada Sacred Arts Realm of the Heart  An Art Exhibition by Kristian Johnson promotion flier on Digifli com

Sagrada Sacred Arts
4926 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609, United States
(510) 653-7196

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Realm of the heart heart Centered art by Kristian Johnson LIKE AN OLD SAYING, “THE KEY TO ONE’S HEART” HAS BEEN FOUND. THE HEART GATE IS UNLOCKED AND WIDE OPEN. THE RADIANT HEART WARMS ALL WHO ENTER. HEART GATE WATERCOLOR 2023 February 10th to 28th Reception from 3 to 5 Saturday, Feb. 10th Sagrada 4926 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland 510. 653.7196

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