Joyce Gordon Gallery Presents a Poetry Extravaganza for its 20th Anniversary

The Joyce Gordon Gallery presents the TURNING POINT JGG 20TH ANNIVERSARY POETRY EXTRAVAGANZA, hosted by Kim McMillion. The event will feature various renowned poets such as Lakiba Pittman, Michael Warr, Charles Tureeda Mikell, James Blackwell, Raymond Nat Turner, Cagney Avotcja and more! It will be held on Saturday, September 30th, 2023, from 1:00PM-3:30PM at the Joyce Gordon Gallery located at 406 14th Street in Oakland, CA. 94612. For more information about the event visit, or call (510) 465-8928.

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Joyce Gordon Gallery Joyce Gordon Gallery Presents a Poetry Extravaganza for its 20th Anniversary promotion flier on Digifli com

Joyce Gordon Gallery
406 14th St, Oakland, CA 94612, United States
(510) 465-8928

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Joyce Gordon Gallery presents TURNING POINT JGG 20TH ANNIVERSARY POETRY EXTRAVAGANZA Lakiba Pittman Michael Warr Charles Tureeda Mikell James Blackwell Raymond Nat Turner Cagney Avotcja HOSTED BY KIM MCMILLION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, , 2023 1:00PM – 3:30PM 406 14th Street Oakland, CA. 94612 | 510.465.8928 I

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