Join Our Subtle Body Healing Circle Every Tuesday

Welcome to our weekly healing group led by Brandy Benton, open to all women and non-binary individuals. We gather every Tuesday at 6pm to promote self-care and support each other’s healing journey.

If you’re interested in joining us, donations are suggested but not required. You can find more information and register for our healing circle on our website:

Don’t miss out on this powerful opportunity to connect with others, dive deep into your own healing, and receive the guidance of a skilled facilitator. See you there!

Hosted by Sagrada Sacred Arts, located at 4926 Telegraph Ave in beautiful Oakland, CA since 1994. Visit us for a unique selection of items at our #book_store and #jewelry_store.

TAGS: #subtlebodyhealingcircle #womenhealinggroup #selfcare #oaklandCA

Posted by Sagrada Sacred Arts.
TAGS: #book_store #jewelry_store #store Sagrada Sacred Arts Join Our Subtle Body Healing Circle Every Tuesday promotion flier on Digifli com

Sagrada Sacred Arts
4926 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609, United States
(510) 653-7196

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Subtle Body Healing Circle Tuesdays @ 6pm w/ Brandy Benton welcoming you to a weekly healing group, open to all women and Donations non-binary people suggested See more info & register here: SAGRADA SACRED ARTS SINCE 1994 4926 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609

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