Embrace the Magic of Shadow Play at Frank Bette Center for the Arts!

Frank Bette Center For the Arts Embrace the Magic of Shadow Play at Frank Bette Center for the Arts  promotion flier on Digifli com

Embrace the Magic of Shadow Play at Frank Bette Center for the Arts!

Hey Art Lovers! 🎨 If you’re in need of a delightful artistic escape, then make a note: Frank Bette Center for the Arts has something extraordinary in store for you! Their latest exhibition, Shadow Play, runs from October 4 – November 23, and it’s guaranteed to captivate and inspire.

The show kicks off with a lively reception on Saturday, October 12, from 3-5 pm. Meet the talented artists behind the works, sip some wine, and immerse yourself in a world where shadows tell a story. There’s nothing quite like getting firsthand insight into the creative processes that shape such stunning pieces.

Couldn’t make it to the opening reception? No worries! There’s also a mid-show reception happening on Saturday, November 9, from 3-5 pm. This is your perfect second chance to mingle with the art-loving community and enjoy the exhibit in a more relaxed setting. Trust us, you don’t want to miss this artsy gathering!

Located at 1601 Paru St, Alameda, CA 94501, the Frank Bette Center for the Arts is a haven for creativity and culture. Their exhibits never fail to amaze, and Shadow Play is no exception. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to explore the charming city of Alameda – double win!

For more details on the exhibit and upcoming events, be sure to check out their website at https://www.frankbettecenter.org. Gather your friends, grab your calendar, and get ready for a magical art experience.

#ShadowPlay #FrankBetteCenterForTheArts #AlamedaArt #ArtEvents #ExploreAlameda #FrankBetteEvents #AlamedaCreativity

Frank Bette Center For the Arts
1601 Paru St, Alameda, CA 94501, United States
(510) 523-6957

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