All campaigns must meet our quality guidelines. Every campaign is reviewed by a Digifli staff member to ensure it meets our standards. Digifli retains the right to refuse any campaign for any reason.
In general, a campaign must support the community or local businesses.
Subject Matter:
No Corporate Chains
No Political Campaigns or Religious Ads
No Offensive Messages or Images
Digifli kiosks are in public view so all imagery must be appropriate for all audiences.
Ads should look good and not have misspellings.
Campaigns should be well designed and look good. If you print your flier, you should be able to read it easily from 10 feet away. It should not be overly wordy or it will not work well.
Ads should be easy to read and not contain a lot of small text.
Image File Quality
Artwork should be clear and crisp and easy to read. See our artwork specifications for more information. Make sure your file is 72 dpi and at least 1024 pixels wide. All fliers are resized to 1025 x 1325 pixels and must be in JPEG format.
Rejected Campaigns
If your campaign is rejected, we may email you and provide feedback and make suggestions if there is something you can change to make your ad meet our quality guidelines. These are guidelines and are subject to change at any time.
Kiosk partners have the right to block any ad. So even if your campaign is approved, it may not appear everywhere you want it to, if that location chooses to block it. We still ensure you get your impressions, but we can’t guarantee it will show everywhere you select.
Advertising Best Practices
Each Digifli screen impression last 11 seconds. Use this time to grab the patrons attention and send them to a specified location where they can get more information. We suggest your website.
The most important information on your ad will be your logo, contact information, dates and/or specials. Remember to keep it simple.
Basic Digifli Ad Styles
- Basic Business Introduction
- Special Offer
- Event
Be sure your message is consistent across media channels. Whether you are running an ad on Facebook, purchasing an ad in the local paper or printing your own flyers use a consistent visual message.