Come Out and Sing at Hobnob’s Weekly Karaoke Nights!

Every Friday from 9:00 ’til close, come out to Hobnob and meet Karri, Nikko, and Darl for their weekly karaoke nights. Bring your friends or come solo, but make sure you bring your singing voice. Whether you prefer classic tunes or the Top 40 hits, this is an event where everyone can have a great time. And don’t forget to try Hobnob’s delicious restaurant options while you’re there!

For more information, visit Hobnob. Don’t miss out on the fun!

TAGS: #restaurant #food HobnobComeOutandSingatHobnobsWeeklyKaraokeNightspromotionflieronDigiflicom


1313 Park St, Alameda, CA 94501, United States
(510) 769-1011

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sing every friday 9:00 – close meet karri, nikko, and darl’s karaoke nights

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