Every year on June 21, musicians and music-lovers around the world come together to celebrate Make Music Day. This international holiday, started by The NAMM® Foundation, aims to encourage and inspire people of all ages and skill levels to make music.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s no better way to connect with others and express yourself than through the power of music. So grab your instrument, invite some friends, and get ready to jam this June 21st! Don’t worry if you’re not sure where to start – there are countless resources and events available here to help you get involved.

This year’s Make Music Day is sure to be a blast, with concerts, workshops, lessons, and other musical activities happening all over the world. Join in on the fun and spread the joy of music by using the hash tags #MakeMusicDay and #NAMM in your social media posts. Let’s make June 21st an unforgettable day full of creativity, community, and of course… great music!

 CELEBRATE  MAKEMUSICDAY WITH NAMM   ON JUNE 21 promotion flier on Digifli com

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