Be an Alameda Business Hero! Support the Arts!
If you’re a business in Alameda, California, here’s your chance to be a hero and support the arts at the same time. The 19th Annual Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout is currently seeking sponsors, and opportunities are filling up fast. This event showcases local artists as they create beautiful art pieces outdoors in scenic locations throughout Alameda.
To become a sponsor, simply contact us at , or use our QR code to sign up instantly. Your sponsorship will not only support the arts in our community, but will also provide exposure for your business. The Frank Bette Center For the Arts has been hosting this event for 19 years now, and it’s a highly anticipated event by both artists and locals.
If you love art and want to be part of something special, don’t hesitate to become a sponsor for the 19th Annual Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout. Show your support for the arts and make a difference in our community. #AlamedaBusinessHero #ArtsSupporter #FrankBetteCenter #PleinAirPaintout
TAGS: AlamedaBusinessHero, ArtsSupporter, FrankBetteCenter, PleinAirPaintout
Frank Bette Center For the Arts
1601 Paru St, Alameda, CA 94501, United States
(510) 523-6957
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Be an Alameda Business Hero! Support the Arts! Sponsorship for the 19th Annual Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout is underway and opportunities are going quickly. Contact: or use the QR code to sign up 19th Annual Frank Bette Plein Air Paintout
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