Sagrada Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars for some sacred art-filled experiences at Sagrada Sacred Arts. Since 1994, we have been crafting a protective salt bowl to bless and protect your home and loved ones. Join us on March 1st at 1:00 PM to learn the traditional method of creating this powerful tool.

Breathing in April Self Love with Zee Clarke, author of Black People Breathe, is another event you won’t want to miss. On April 3rd at 3:00 PM, Zee will guide us through a journey of self-love and mindfulness. And if you’re looking for a deep cleanse, join Gabby@soulofabebe for her workshop on cleansing essentials. Taking place on April 10th at 4:00 PM,this class will cover all the basics of cleansing.

We also have our weekly Subtle Body Healing Circle every Tuesday at 6:00 PM with Brandy Benton.This healing circle allows you to tap into the power of subtle energy and find inner peace. Save your spot now by visiting or follow us on Instagram @sagradasacredarts for more information.

Posted by Sagrada Sacred Arts.
TAGS: #book_store #jewelry_store #store Sagrada Sacred Arts Sagrada Upcoming Events promotion flier on Digifli com

Sagrada Sacred Arts
4926 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609, United States
(510) 653-7196

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SAGRADA UPCOMING EVENTS SACRED ARTS SINCE 1994 March CRAFTING A PROTECTIVE SALT BOWL 1:00 PM BREATHING IN April SELF LOVE with Zee Clarke. author of Black People Breathe 3:00 PM April CLEANSING 101 WORKSHOP with Gabby@soulofabebe 4:00 PM Weekly SUBTLE BODY HEALING CIRCLE TUES with Brandy Benton 6:00 PM SAVE YOUR SPOT @sagradasacredarts

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