FunAmeda: A New Film Coming in 2023 by Patti Cary

Exciting news for cinema lovers! ALAMEDA is set to grace the big screen in 2023, directed by the talented Patti Cary. This highly anticipated film, produced by FunAmeda Productions, is a must-see for all movie buffs.

ALAMEDA, meaning “here is anywhere”, follows the journey of a young woman searching for her identity in a world that constantly tries to define and limit her. Set in modern times, this thought-provoking film explores important themes such as self-discovery, individualism, and societal pressures.

Don’t miss out on this cinematic masterpiece! Stay updated on the latest news and release dates by following #FunAmeda on social media. We can’t wait to share this groundbreaking film with you all!

 FunAmeda  A New Film Coming in 2023 by Patti Cary promotion flier on Digifli com

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ALAMEDA Here is anywhere A film by Patti Cary FunAmeda Coming 2023 productions

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