The Misery of My People Brought Down

#Alameda #misery

I have seen the Misery of my people brought down; I have heard their thrones cry. I Know their sufferings. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me to bring justice to those who grieve and restore hope.

This week we honor this legacy with an event at the 3Dot Art Gallery, located at 2309 Encinal Ave in Alameda. Join us Thursday night for an evening celebration of art from 7pm-10pm.

TAGS: #art_gallery #Alameda #misery 3Dot Art Gallery The Misery of My People Brought Down promotion flier on Digifli com

3Dot Art Gallery
2309 A Encinal Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501, United States
(850) 308-6069

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have seen the Misery of has my people brought down I have heard their their thrones cry I Know their sufferings The Spirit of the lord is upon Me…+o brind 2309 Encinal Ave, Alameda Art Gallery

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