Why You Should Shop Local and Foster Community

When you make the decision to shop local, not only do you support small businesses in your area but you also give back to the community. Shopping local gives back to the local economy as well as create jobs for those that live in the area. It also helps to reduce your carbon footprint by lessening the emissions created by shipping goods from far away locations.

Digifli is a company that provides community bulletin boards to foster connection between people and businesses within their own neighborhoods. By subscribing to Digifliā€™s email list, you’ll get access to “The 411 on The 510” which is a regularly updated “newsletter” (scroll through digifli.com to see what it is) about local businesses in the Bay Area. Here you can find information about current specials, events, and other news. Sign up now at to stay up to date with the latest news about local establishments.

Tags: #ShopLocal #FosterCommunity #Digifli #The411onthe510 Digifli Community Bulletin Boards Why You Should  em Shop Local  em  and  strong Foster Community  strong  promotion flier on Digifli com

Digifli Community Bulletin Boards
1516 Oak St #203, Alameda, CA 94501, United States
(510) 423-3667

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